Schlock & Terror: A Retrospective of Video Nasties – A Bay of Blood

The return of the podcast with a new co-host. Discussing a Mario Bava classic, starring the Happy Mobile! With the best/worst ending in cinematic history.

Thanks to The Hangmen for the outro song.

Schlock & Terror: A Retrospective of Video Nasties – Axe!

In this episode, Bob Ross has to survive the rapist Blues Brothers, a thirteen year old axe-wielding model in her twenties, and a paralysed grandpa in a staring contest with the camera. Trust us, it still doesn’t make sense in context.

Thank you, Tiger Helicide, for this episode’s outro.

Schlock & Terror: A Retrospective of Video Nasties – Anthropophagous: The Beast

Dave returns! In a…not so thrilling adventure. Umm…there’s a cat in it? Oh, well. Just listen to us b*tch about the movie.

Thank you, Dr. Hell, for this episode’s outro.

Schlock & Terror: A Retrospective of Video Nasties – Absurd

The show begins with a “formal” discussion about the Italian Halloween ripoff known as Absurd. Beware of Dave! The jogging bowling-shoe wearing zombie devil…thing!

Thank you, Victoria Wilson. Thank you, Evil Heim of Voice of Doom, for the theme song (Sorry about it being edited, I had to shorten it. Although I will show off the full version in the next post alongside the next episode). And thank you, Los Morts, for the episode’s outro song.

Schlock & Terror Trailer

Sorry for not posting a new review this week, I’ve been busy with university assignments and an inflamed liver. So here’s something to entertain you in the mean time, a trailer to a podcast that will include me and some of my friends. Enjoy.

Also please sign this petition so I can go on tumblr again: